Friday, May 27, 2016

20 weeks

This pregnancy is becoming more and more different than my pregnancy with Rilynn. At 20 weeks, I feel like I'm more like 30 weeks. My feet are starting to swell, I've felt movement since about 12 weeks and Travis since 16 weeks. Everything has been so much earlier this go around. Rilynn is still in denial that she's having a brother. Although, she prefers playing with boys so I don't think she'll be disappointed for long.
Other updates...
We planted in our veggie beds!

The water feature is amazing. We keep our window open at night to listen to it. 
The deck is filled with a castle, water table, and a kiddie pool with a slide.
Rilynn went tubing for the first time and LOVED it! Couldn't get her off the tube.
Lots of boating days ahead this summer.
Had some friends over to BBQ

Rilynn got a big girl bed as a reward for being 1 week potty trained! She rocked it!
 And of course she has her Nick dog on the bed.
Loves her Nick and Saycie shirt... Need a Lexi one next, Aunt Suzie!
My favorite place in the house is our kitchen nook.
We did some painting to replace the lime green.

I was worried about the amount of house work that comes along with a big house... A playroom to keep all of her toys and a rumba to vacuum for me has solved those problems. :) 

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