He or She what will Baby Berg #2 be?
We find out on Tuesday, for real this time. My OBGYN had been my doctor for years. I went to her for the first half of my pregnancy with Rilynn until switching insurance companies. This pregnancy I was excited to be back with her. She is part of a group practice, which started to create some issues for us. At my first ultrasound, there was a cyst on the umbilical cord, so my doctor wanted us to do genetic testing and extra ultrasounds to check things out. We saw 3 different doctors in my last 3 visits, creating many communication issues, including canceling our 16 week ultrasound, without telling us, after the cyst had gone away. Our wait time was anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes to see a provider. We chose to switch to a private practice OBGYN for the rest of my pregnancy. We still get to have my C-section at the same hospital, just down the street from our new home.
The anticipation for Tuesday is killing me now! As most of you know, I am predicting a girl. Fast heart rate and my last ultrasound showing no sign of a penis have brought me to that prediction. Rilynn guesses girl as well and Travis is still holding onto hope for a boy.
At 16 weeks...
We moved past the flutter stage and can feel actual kicks now!
I've gained 12 pounds already! Wowzers, that came on quickly.
Wearing pretty much all maternity clothes.
Feeling energetic and overwhelmed with all the craziness going on in our lives right now.
Is loving school. She sings all of her school songs for us and loves to play school where she is the teacher and we are the students. We are so impressed with all that she's learning at her amazing preschool. She loves playing with all the boys at school.
Is excited to be a big sister.
Loves swim lessons, wearing goggles, and going down the slide. Hates floating on her back.
House update: we move May 14. Our garage has turned into a storage unit for furniture and our old guest room is filled with boxes. We can't wait to get into the new house and start making it our home!