Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Seven Months!

At 7 months, Rilynn is a slobbery kisser, hand banger, hug giver, double hand waver, horrible night time sleeper (thank you spica cast), decent napper, knows what she wants kind of girl.  We have ourselves a girly girl.  Like every girl, she loves diamonds especially my wedding ring.  She is fascinated with hair; she loves to pet and/or pull my hair and Travis's arm hair.  She twirls her own hair when she is tired. I've joined a "Mom's group" on Facebook and we've gone to a couple of play dates.  It is kind of like online dating, but for mom friends.  I thought it would be totally awkward, but so far so good!  It has been nice to meet new friends for Rilynn and me.  One of our new friends let us try out her daughter's amber beed teething necklace.  I was a skeptic, I thought sure and we will also throw some salt over our left shoulder before bed.  I was desperate to try anything after 4 nights in a row of her waking up every 30-60 minutes. But, her first night after wearing it she slept!  She only woke up once.  A good night used to be 3 or 4 wake ups.  Now maybe it was coincidence, but we will keep trying it and see if the sleep trend continues.  

Talents & Tricks:
* She was able to roll over from stomach to back in her pink cast, but no such luck in the green one.
* She can scoot around in her cast moving mostly backwards and in circles but she is starting to move forward a little bit at a time.  Her arms are going to be so strong from hauling this cast around.
*Loves to drink from a cup by herself, even if it is just to spit the water back out. 

* 2 bottom teeth
* Haircut!  Thank you, Eileen, for getting rid of the mullet.
* Finger food, Gerber Puffs.
* Ponytail

Food: anything with banana, squash, or pear is eaten faster and with more enthusiasm ("mmmmm"s), but she will eat anything.
Toy: still loves Sophie, anything with or a tag on it or something she can pick up and throw is also fun.  If it doesn't fit in her mouth or make a loud sound when she bangs it, she isn't interested.
Noise: "Hi!" to get your attention or "Aye" I didn't think we had any Canadian in us.
Baby item: Ivy Rose spica chair.  It saved my sanity! 
First ponytail. 
Pre-haircut mullet. 
Typical play time in her Ivy Rose jellybean chair.  Best purchase we've ever made. 
Size 3T leggings cut into leg warmers are a must have for scooting the cast around on the floor. 

Still stylish. 

My first birthday celebration as a mom. 
She does fantastic at restaurants in her travel booster seat.  Way easier than when she had to be in her car seat.  She loves being a big girl sitting in a chair at the table with us.  

Piano lessons/banging session
Just before the first hair cut. 

And there goes the mullet!  Hurray! 
Josie will not be left out.
Demanding more food.  
Blue eyed babe!
2 teeth!
Next surgery is Wednesday, September 3rd.  
Focused on her puff. 
She loves her doggy.

Our perfect baby. 

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