Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thirty-Six Weeks!

28 days until her due date!  Yikes!  So far I'm just feeling excited.  I'm surprised the nerves haven't set in yet, but having two weeks off work to prepare everything has been especially helpful.  Monday, I'm back to teaching until she arrives.  At this week's appointment with my midwife I was given the okay to start working out again.  So I've been going for walks and hitting the gym again.  One of my Christmas presents from Travis was a date day with my husband which we did today.  We started with breakfast at The Original Pancake House, had massages, facials, and pedicures, then went to happy hour and a movie.  It was the perfect relaxing day and I'm so glad we were able to do it before she joins us.

Quick updates:
How I'm feeling: still pretty good, but as expected, I'm less comfortable these days.  I've been so blessed to have an easy pregnancy and avoided all the crummy stuff.  I've actually loved being pregnant, but I'm ready to be done and finally meet her.

Symptoms: Acid reflex when I eat normal size meals and back aches if I sit for too long, which seems to happen most if we go to a movie.
Weight gain: 28 pounds; by some miracle the Christmas cookies didn't give me the same 6 pound weight gain that Thanksgiving did.

Wearing wedding ring: Yes!

Stretch marks: still none :) 

Belly button: it isn't really in or out, it is kind of flat

Movement: She's moving all the time, but her kicks and jabs have turned into more turns and rolls.  We like to watch my stomach pop up in different places with her bum, knees, and elbows sticking out.

Favorite moment of the week:  With my back aching more these days, Travis has tried many back massaging techniques.  The best one was using Josie's chew toys!  

Name: I think we will name her when we see her.  We have a list that ranges between 4 and 10 names depending on the day.

What I'm missing most this week: Wearing normal clothes!  The kind that don't pull up over my stomach and have elastic waste bands.  It was fun for a while, but I can't wait to fit into jeans that button again!

Most excited for: The 2 weeks that Travis will be home with us.  I know we will be exhausted, but I want to soak in every moment of our family bonding time.

Sleep: It hasn't been horrible, but my nights of sleeping for 8 hours straight ended a while back.  If I'm not getting up to pee every couple of hours, I'm moving positions.  As recommended, I slept on my left side with the help of 4 pillows for most of my pregnancy, but now, I can't ever seem to stay comfortable.  I start on my side but then move to a more propped up position at some point in the night.

Travis: I have the most wonderful husband! He has been so helpful and calm through all of this.  He loves feeling and watching her move.  I can't wait to see him with her; he's going to make an amazing dad.  

Josie: Having her mommy home all day for winter break has been fun for her.  She's had lots of attention and is soaking up her last few weeks as an only child.  She still enjoys being in the nursery, especially when I'm organizing things in there.  

Until next week!

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