Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz (56%)
Height: 28 inches (65%)
Head size: 48 inches (95%)
Teeth: 0
Sleep: we are so lucky! Goes to bed by 7 sleeps until sometime between 5:30 and 6:30. He loves his dockatot and it is the number 1 baby item I recommend. Spendy but so worth it. Takes two 2 hour naps and a quick evening nap.
Eating: we are down to 4-5 big bottles a day. Broden would stop bottles all together if we let him. He'd rather eat his baby food and finger foods.
Tricks: sitting like a champ, scooting and rolling all over.
Loves: snuggles, blankies, chewing on his hand
Dislikes: being hungry or poopy and when his sister takes away his toys.
He is finally starting to enjoy the bath.
Enjoying a picnic in the backyard
Derby outfits!
When you try to skip nap and then fall asleep like this.