Friday, April 22, 2016

First Trimester Baby Berg #2

Already 1/3 of the way done with pregnancy #2! It wasn't as easy of a first trimester as my first pregnancy; I was a more nauseous, had some vomiting, was exhausted all the time, and probably a little crankier. Travis and I had planned on having another baby, just wasn't sure when. After our fiasco in Disneyland with no sleep for 4 days, we were driving to Palm  Springs and both said, "We are NEVER having another kid!" Low and behold the next afternoon I had 3 positive pregnancy tests. But we are SO excited to add to our family now that we are back to a normal sleep routine that will surely be interrupted again in about 6 months. Rilynn was born to be a big sister. She's nurturing, affectionate, and extremely bossy. Our official due date is October 19, however since I had a c-section with Rilynn, I am choosing to have another one this go around, so that will be scheduled around a week before. I am very excited for an October baby! I love the beginning of fall in Oregon. My good friend from high school, Stephanie, is due with her first baby just days before me. So excited to share this time with her and raise our kids together. 
Weight gain: 1 lb but several inches. It took me a while to show with Rilynn, but I swear I was showing instantly with BB2... Or maybe that was all the treats in Disneyland. 
Cravings: fruit
Gender prediction: girl! We are hoping to find out in about 2 weeks, but my guess is girl. 
Symptoms: are all gone. No more nausea, vomiting, or exhaustion.
Most excited: to find out the gender
Left second pregnancy, right pregnant with Rilynn

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Getting Things Done in 2016

Last year I told Travis, "2016 is going to be a big year for us!" And here it is, April 2016 and the big changes are in full swing! 

* Rilynn started preschool
*I started subbing in LO
*Travis is back in the construction industry doing what he loves at Baker
*Josie is turning 10
*We sold our house and are moving to the other side of Tualatin in the West Linn/Wilsonville school district! We are on the same street as our good friends Kevin and Katie and their kids who are best buddies with Rilynn! Couldn't be a more perfect house and location for us. 
*And most exciting of all... We are having another BABY in October!

 When Travis and I get an idea in our heads, we are like a dog with bone. It's been great making our dreams come true. 2016 is going to be full of great memories and lots of chaos! 

Our new house! 
Who wants to be a big sister?! "I do!" 
Baby on the way! 
The bump that pretty much showed up immediately. I'm pretty sure I'm as big as I was with Rilynn at 22 weeks! So far only gained a pound though. Bump pictures with the chalkboard will happen again this time, just probably not on a weekly basis.