Sunday, December 11, 2016

Broden Uno 2months

 Another great month with this kid. We love being a family of 4! I took Broden into the doctor for his reflux, he still spits up quite a bit, but since he was almost 14 pounds before he was even 2 months he didn't need medication. We got his healthy hip diagnosis exactly 1 year after finding out Rilynn's last surgery had failed. So far he's been very easy, not that Rilynn was a hard baby, just her hips. He is a great sleeper, sleeping 7-8 hours straight at night. He loves being swaddles and won't go to sleep until he's snug as a bug in a rug. 
Loves: his mommy, daddy, sister, watching sports, riding in his ergo carrier, and being held
Dislikes: being changed and being burped halfway through his bottle

Josie warmed up quickly!
 Bonding with cousin Christian 

Christmas jimmies from our elf Poodles 
Morning snuggles
Hubby brought all of this home to celebrate healthy hips for Bro man!
Happy little baller

Wearing her baby while cooking. Just like Mommy!
Ri says the funniest things! "Mom, you can't say what. You grew up. Your not a kid" I guess only kids can ask questions. "When I grow up I'm going to marry a daddy and have a baby in my tummy." She's the most thoughtful little girl I've ever met. She thanks us every night for things we have done. Last night she used scraps of wrapping paper and "wrapped" up her toys to give to Travis, Josie, Broden, and me for presents. We just love her! Her tantrums and drama are still pretty ridiculous, but this little sour patch makes up for it with her sweetness. 




Sunday, November 27, 2016

1 Month Broden Uno

<•> BrOdEn <•>
Weight- 13.8 pounds! 
Sleeping: he's unpredictable, some nights he'll sleep for a 6 hour stretch, other nights he's up every 2 hours.
Tricks: Rolled over THREE times stomach to back.  He's a strong little guy!  He's starting to coo (5 weeks), smiles, and can lift his head pretty high when he's on his tummy.
Loves: tummy time, his sister, lights, mirrors, faces, his pacifier, eating, and sleeping on his side
Doesn't love: diaper changes, bath time, changing his clothes, spitting up (which he does a lot)

Loves: swimming, dancing, broccoli, putting on shows, zootopia, her brother Broden Uno Berg (then she spells B E R G), building block towers, and art projects.
Full of spunk! 
Started dance/tumbling
We started decorating for Christmas! And Rilynn put my boxes to use as a rocket ship and race cars. It's been pretty darn cute listening to her sing and talk to her stuffed friends.

Photo update...
Broden loves tummy time and showing off his strength. 
Josie loves the new guy!
Bald spot from pulling out his hair. He loves hair like Ri did. When it hurts, he pulls harder, screams louder, and created this bald spot. 
My life is complete with these 3! 


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2 weeks with Broden

The Bergs, Family of 4
Greatest husband ever! Travis was home with us last week and has been such a great partner in this transition to a family of 4.
Our first outing was to the train park!

Rilynn "reads" to her brother every night. 
Best friends 
Our favorite phrases- 
*shut the door shut (shut the door)
*what's that noise is? (What's that noise)
*When I get bigger I'm going to be a mommy so I can have milk in my boobies to feed my brother. 
Questions about Broden:
*why won't he talk to her
*why doesn't he move his guy when we play candy land 
*"can we go to the store to buy milk for my boobies, so I can feed him too?"
Our spirited girl!
School photos! 
First outing was to the train park. Rilynn cried the last time we left there and we promised to take her back. She was so excited when we pulled up, "We came back like you promised!" 
Our little helper
Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz (36%)
Height 20.5 inches (63%)
Head 14 cm (96%)
All stats are about the same as Rilynn's 
Sleep: still sleeping a lot. Wakes up every 2-3 hours at night to eat
Eating: great and gaining weight like a champ! Even took his first bottle of pumped milk! 
Nicknames: brother, brother bear, bub, bro bro, brodster, Bruno (Boppy and Tay Tay only)... I hope he doesn't have trouble learning his real name. 
Milestones: lifts his head, rolls onto his side. Our pediatrician was amazed by his strength! 
Josie is adjusting faster this time. 

Nursery complete! 



Saturday, October 15, 2016

Broden's Birth Story

Broden was born on Saturday, October 15, 2016, just as scheduled. October is such a beautiful month, and the storm made the day cozy. Last October was Rilynn's last surgery, so I was very happy to replace that difficult memory of October with this beautiful one. Friday night we took Rilynn to Safari Sam's to celebrate her last night as an only child. She stayed at my parents' house waiting for Aunt Sadie to come take care of her. I didn't sleep well, my back hurt, I was anxious for my surgery, and my feet were sweating. I woke up 5:45, showered and finished packing; just some perks of a scheduled csection.  We left for the hospital around 7, which was just down the street. Everything was smooth and laid back, we LOVED our experience from the moment we got there. We went back to the OR right on time, had my spinal block placed and surgery began. I immediately realized something was wrong when they started cutting a tiny section on my right side and I felt pain.  Since this was my second csection, I knew this wasn't supposed to happen.  I winced and squeezed Travis's hand we quickly realized my spinal block wasn't working the way it should. I was sedated while they finished the surgery. Between drifting out of sleep while I was loopy, I asked Travis all sorts of ridiculous questions. Just like when I've been drinking, I tend to talk a lot while on heavy drugs. Things I was concerned about included when Travis was going to take Rilynn snowboarding, when he was having a colonoscopy, and reminding him to announce his name when he came out.  Between these questions and comments I dozed off and on. It would have been great to be more awake during his birth, I was just happy to be comfortable and healthy. We also learned that it was a good thing we chose a repeat csection because my uterus lining was so thin, it would have been a dangerous VBAC situation. Recovery has gone very well. I feel like I'm recovering faster with this one than I did after Rilynn. 

Broden Uno- we wanted a B name and we both loved Broden. We liked Brody, which can be a nickname, Beau, Boden, and of course, Rilynn was voting for Goldfish. Uno is a Siltanen family name, my great grandfather (the original Aija, which is grandfather in Finnish and my dad also goes by Aija) was Uno
Siltanen. My Boppy's (dad's dad) middle name is also Uno and my cousin Elias's (aka Nicky Nack) middle name is Uno. These amazing Siltanen men have had a great impact on my life, so Broden is carrying on the Siltanen tradition of Uno. 

Who he looks like- ? No one really knows. We love his dark hair and long eyelashes, but since he doesn't have eyebrows, I think it will turn blonde like Rilynn's.  He has an awesome silver streak in the back of his hair that I hope stays. 


Rilynn- is in LOVE with her brother. She is, as we guessed she would be, the best big sister. She calls him brother, but does like his name Broden.  After day 1, she forgot about naming him Goldfish. She loves holding him, is super confused about me nursing him. 



Wednesday, October 5, 2016

38 weeks... eviction notice

10 days until my scheduled csection! I've been tempted to bump it up since I can go as early as 39 weeks, but Saturday just seemed convenient and my sister's flight is already booked. However, if he happens to show up early I won't complain. I've had several nights of cramps, false labor pains, and back aches and no signs of labor as of my 38 week appointment on Monday. Every morning Rilynn says, "Time to come out brother! Mom, he not coming out. He not a good listener." So the count down continues...
While we are waiting for life to get hard, we've enjoyed some fun fall family festivities! 2 trips to pumpkin patches so far, turned on our fireplace, and enjoyed some great date nights.

Pumpkin patch with the Hertels

Pumpkin patch with the Mills!

Rilynn's preschool photos turned out amazing! We love her teachers and friends from school. 

Our beautiful girl in my favorite photo from school. 
Spy cam!
Flying Mommy's childhood kite on a 75 degree, September day at the Oregon coast.