Tuesday, May 27, 2014

4 months

Being a parent is the most stressful job I've ever experienced, but I love every second of it.  I have a completely new appreciation for my parents, especially my mom.  I feel like I am constantly worrying. My new concern has been this choking thing that she does when she is nursing and sometimes just on her own spit.  She's always kind of done it, but I thought she would have out grown it by now.  So I brought her into the pediatrician who must think I'm the most annoying person ever becase I call and email with questions almost every other week.  She listened to her lungs, checked her out and said she is healthy as can be.  Other news this month... I'm going back to work for the last 2 1/2 weeks of school starting tomorrow.  Boo!!  This was never my plan, but with surgery coming up, it makes sense to continue my insurance through the school district.  But, Rilynn will be in good hands with my mom! The one positive of going back to work (other than continued insurance) is I think it will help with the attachment issue.  Not Rilynn's, mine!  I can't believe I'm so attached to her.  Time to rip off the bandaid!   She survived her first night with Aunt Sadie.  Sadie only called my mom twice while we were out to ask for help.  Rilynn loves to try and sit up on her own and stand and bounce while we hold her up.  She chews on EVERYTHING and has a constant stream of drool coming out of her mouth.  Like every new mom, I thought she was teething, but according to her pediatrician probably not.  She's discovered Josie (the dog) and thinks she is pretty silly.  Her bald spot is getting bigger by the day.  Well, it isn't really a bald spot, it is just thinner and much lighter hair than the rest of it.  She has a reverse ombre going on with light roots and dark ends.  I think she might even have some red in there; it definitely isn't my hair color anymore.  I've mastered to comb over so she looks like she's got a full head of hair in pictures; she'd kill me if we had photo evidence of it.  Along with her growing bald spot she is growing more thigh roles as well.  Love those!  

Loves: music, dancing, sucking, making noise, standing (with our help), sitting (with our help), her swing, her doll named Sally (after Nanny who gave it to her), the TV which I try not to let her watch but if it is on she will find it

Talents: blowing spit bubbles, soaking shirts with excessive drooling, imitating owl hoots, picking things up and putting them in her mouth, fitting her fist in her mouth

Height: 24 1/2 inches 50th percentile
Weight 14 pounds 4 ounces 60th percentile
Head circumference 17 inches 95th percentile She also has a flat spot we are working on fixing.  She loves to sleep on the right side of her head.  If she doesn't improve in 2 months we have to do physical therapy to prevent a helmet.  Could you imagine, the poor girl in a cast and helmet!  

Hip update:  To sum it up, I HATE hip dysplasia.  I've had a few tantrums and total melt downs (my poor husband), but I am trying to get over it and be positive.  We've been seeing 2 orthopedic surgeons who have had a hard time nailing down a timeline for her closed reduction.  Originally we were told it would be between the age of 3 and 6 months, then 4 and 6 months, and now 5 and 9 months.  So we are planning to have the surgery in the beginning of July.  They are having a hard time narrowing down a specific time to recommend because it isn't common enough to have a lot of research done.  They don't want to do it too early because of the risk of long term/permanent damage to the hip bone.  I think the waiting is the hardest part; I just want to get it done.  To prep for summer in a cast, we've been stocking up on summer dresses! I've done a lot of research and there are some really helpful blogs from moms who have experience this; but there are also a lot of really scary stories out there so I have to be careful not to get myself too freaked out while finding helpful information.   I can't wait for this to be a memory. 

Josie figure that this must be the chair of attention.

First trip to the zoo with our zoo pass!

Toys are just better when they are in your mouth.

Napping at Black Butte.  Yes, that is a baby North Face!

Sunglasses on.

Dad and Rilynn hanging on the deck at BBR. 

Pool time with Mimmi

Fingers are always in her mouth.

Napping with her Sally doll.

Petting Josie.  Poor Josie, doesn't know why her parents kept this creature.

Before her shots today.  

Mom and the kids.

Pool time!