To my Wonderful Wife:
I love you more and more each day as we take on this new adventure in our lives. We have had many great years together, but I am sure we would both agree that the best ones are just getting started. I love how dedicated you have been to this blog and how neat this will be to show our little one someday. I figured to make this blog complete, I needed to weigh in and put my mark on it. So here is some commentary about the past 10 months from my perspective:
When you first convinced me that it was time to start our family, I had no idea how quickly that would become a reality. Thank you for making that such a special time for us and putting all my fears at ease with your undoubting confidence and strengh. You are my rock more than you will ever know.
Some of my proudest moments during your pregnancy are the small things. I came in fully prepared to support my tired and cranky wife each and every day after work, but you showed me truly how strong you are. You not only worked all the way through pregnancy, maintained our house as you always do, cooked me healthy dinners, but you also found the strength to join me at the gym. I am sure I don't say it or show it very well, but you make me proud every day.
Pregnancy is not a smooth path and when we came across some small speed bumps, you handled them beautifully and kept me calm along your side. I have always thought of my role in our relationship as the level headed, strong partner, but I now know that you can take on this role for me when I need it.
Now, one week under our belts as our long term roles, you as our homemaker, me back to the daily grind, I have been reminded once again just how great of a visionary you are. You dreamed of this and knew that this is what you wanted. I love you for your passion and determination to make our new family work exactly how you saw fit. You are a great mom already and I thank you for making the sacrifice of leaving work. Our family will be everything we have dreamed!
I hope to weigh in on this blog down the line, but for now, I want to let my family know how much I love them and how excited I am to be taking on this next step in our lives.
To my wife- you are my world. Thank you for your support, your love, your faith in me, your commitment to your goals, and mostly for being my best friend. I love you.
Your Husband